American Woodworks
6719 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
Phone: (323) 259-9423
Cell: (323)259-9424
When buying Inexpensive Kitchen Cabinets Online you can save up to 50% compared to the big box retailers. American Woodworks is a Member of NKBA, and our cabinets are KCMA certified for quality.
It is not always about “what’s in”. Trends come and go and we know that. Our goal is to work with you to come up with unique design options that fit your wishes without simply “copying and pasting” the same design from one client to another all the while building you a kitchen that will remain elegant and timeless in design.
When you decide to update or remodel, place your trust in American Woodworks to make your dreams come true.
Highland Park, East LA
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