Woodline Cabinets
5165 Fulton Dr
Fairfield, CA 94534
Phone: (707) 864-5445
Cell: (707)864-5885
E-mail: mckay.paul@woodlinecabinets.com
Custom Residential Cabinetry.
There are several different types of remodels and various factors that go into how a new kitchen will look.
At Woodline Cabinets we are committed to design and create elegant custom cabinetries built to your design specifications. Our service experience, flexibility and impeccable taste of modern design set us apart and make your first stop.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Welcome to Woodline Cabinets – let’s build your dream home today!
If You Can Imagine It, We Can Design It.
With so many designs and colors to choose from, we’ll help you create the kitchen you’ve always dreamed of.
looking for Beech with Ebony stain w square recessed door style.
Did/do you provide cabinet for Discovery/Seeno Builders? Durate Ranch community @ 2018
Looking to change island, add oven over oven cabinet and upper cabinets in laundry room. Would like them to match if at all possible