
Custom Kitchen Cabinets in Trimble

Superior Wood Products

Superior Wood Products
6166 Sw Highway 169
Trimble, MO 64492
Phone: (816) 370-2201
Cell: (816)370-1260, (816)370-1263
E-mail: nate.meyer@rocketmail.com,superiorwood@yahoo.com

At Superior Wood Products we are committed to design and create elegant custom cabinetries built to your design specifications. Our service experience, flexibility and impeccable taste of modern design set us apart and make your first stop.

Corner wall cabinets.

We believe that honesty is the best policy, in business and everywhere.

Superior Wood Products prides itself on their classy, professionally handled kitchen remodeling.

Superior Wood Products is home to a group of distinguished designers and craftspeople who are passionate about creating uniquely tailored, innovative designs to bring beauty, functionality, and luxury to your home.

Superior Wood Pro. Incorporated

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