
Right Way Construction

Right Way Construction
26425 Coolidge Hwy
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: (248) 607-3258
Cell: (248)547-1770

Chances are what you and the rest of the world notice most about your kitchen is the style and look of he doors, drawer fronts, moldings and other accessories. And most likely what’s behind all that – the cabinet boxes – are still in fine shape. That’s why cabinet refacing – changing just the outside of your cabinets – makes so much sense. Expecially compared to the time, trouble, mess and major expense of remodeling from scratch.

We pride ourselves on our extensive knowledge, transparency, and communication.

In our kitchen, we gather with friends and family to celebrate special milestones, we prepare meals, work through homework, pay bills and enjoy a quiet moment with a cup of coffee.

K & M Conrstruction, K & M Construction

Oak Park

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