
DCNC Home Restoration

DCNC Home Restoration
Greensboro, NC
Phone: (336) 909-8971
E-mail: dcnchomerestoration@yahoo.com

Your kitchen is the one area of the home that should be inviting. This is especially true if you like to entertain guests at gatherings or just enjoy having a fully functional kitchen with a beautiful design.

You’re used to letting your imagination flow in the kitchen. What if you turned that energy toward remodeling instead of just cooking? We can help you take ideas and make them come true. Your kitchen remodel will make your kitchen look better than ever before.

Our team consists of well-trained craftsmen, many of whom have been with us for decades. At DCNC Home Restoration, we pay attention to all of the details.

Find More Custom Kitchen Cabinets in , North Carolina - Comments (1)
One comment on “DCNC Home Restoration
  1. Forrest Cunningham says:

    My wife and I have a small condo in the Hamilton Village section of Greensboro. Our cabinets are the originals built in 1978. I have wanted to replace them for some time, but now have a really good reason in that we suffered a water leak under the slab beneath our kitchen sink and dishwasher back in April. I had to rip out the cabinet under the sink on May 3rd. We will be without under we have the kitchen cabinets replaced. I would also like a pocket door installed to close off our laundry room. I would like to schedule you to come come evaluate our needs. Our 50th wedding anniversary is on August 25th, and we’d love to have this work done by then. 4937 Tower Rd, Apt. D; Greensboro, NC 27410. Phone: (734) 649-9779.

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