
Kush Custom Cabinetry

Kush Custom Cabinetry
150 West 10Th St
Lorain, OH 44052
Phone: (440) 244-1330

Fabricate and install custom cabinetry

Pairing the world-class design expertise of the Kush Custom Cabinetry professionals with this cutting edge technology will have you seeing your stunning new kitchen before you even leave the store!

Find More Custom Kitchen Cabinets in , Ohio - Comments (5)
5 comments on “Kush Custom Cabinetry
  1. Karyl Lee says:

    Hello- I am the artist with the sculpture in your window. I want to pick it up tomorrow afternoon when I have a need to come in your direction, unless you wish me to do it at a different time or day. My other option is later in the week, if you would like to continue the display for a few days.

  2. Darlene says:

    Hello . I have been calling the phone number listed and only get what sounds like a fax …no one answers and there is no voice mail. What is the best way for me to get in touch with you? Thank you…

  3. Hilary Longcoy says:

    Hello- I am working with Kelly Bishop and was interested in working you on another project for Bishop and Co. I am only in town until Monday late afternoon. I would like to get with you before I leave town. Thank you!

  4. Denise says:

    Could you give me a call about replacing four cabinet doors and four drawer fronts on a built in cabinet in my family room? 440-669-0310. Thank you.

  5. Lollie Bansek says:

    Lorain Winterfest will once again have a full page wrap ad in The Chronicle and The Journal the Sunday before our event – the November 24th issue. It will be a map designating where everything will occur. The bottom 1/3 of the ad will list the downtown businesses who wish to participate. In order to participate we are asking that you donate $20 to Lorain Winterfest which will help pay for the ad. We are running the two full pages and in the Chronicle we are running daily ads, each day advertising a different event happening on November 30th. You will only be included in the ad on November 24th.
    The heading of the list of businesses will announce Shop Small Saturday, the hours and brief info about the cookie walk.
    If you are interested, please send me a note by return e-mail and drop off your check at 408 Broadway (it will slip under the door if I’m not there), or mail it to P. O. Box 213, Lorain, OH 44052.
    We must have your check by November 15th in order for you to be included.

    Thank you –
    Lollie Bansek – Treasurer, LGC, Lorain Winterfest

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