Di Fazio Kitchens
106 N Rosewood Ct
Wernersville, PA 19565
Phone: (610) 777-5721
Cell: (610)670-0134
Today, kitchens are more than only a spot where you eat meals. The kitchen is an extraordinary spot to eat and invest quality time with your family and companions. Hence, you have to make your kitchen as beautiful and elegant as you can.
Create the Kitchen that Houses Your Greatest Memories.
Where Quality Meets Affordability.
When we design kitchens for our clients, we begin with establishing the clients’ needs and expectations. We measure success by delivering an efficient and well-organized layout, allowing the area to serve its primary function: to efficiently prepare food and to entertain. More importantly, the kitchen also accommodates and takes into account the specific needs of the people using the space.
Difazio Kitchens
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