Custom Kitchen Cabinets in Dowling

The Plane Edge

The Plane Edge
145 Russell Dr
Dowling, MI 49050
Phone: (269) 420-7290
Cell: (269)758-3107

Our line of outdoor kitchen cabinets is available in a variety of colors and styles.

Manufacturers of Wood Kitchen Cabinets & Furniture.

Innovation Meets Class

Cabinets are often the largest aspect of any kitchen, so our eyes are naturally drawn to them.

While working with The Plane Edge, we will be with you during every step of the process. From designing the kitchen, to the actual renovation, we provide direct communication. This allows you to rest assured that the kitchen you have always envisioned is being created in your home.

Having a general idea of the features and look you would like for your space makes the task of design much easier for us. Think about color, appliance sizes and locations, and storage needs. We are here to help guide you through this process, and will provide as much input as you would like us to.

The Plane Edge, LLC, Plane Edge LLC

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