Custom Kitchen Cabinets in Midland City

Emerald Renovations & Remodeling

Emerald Renovations & Remodeling
283 Georgian Terrace
Midland City, AL 36350
Phone: (334) 718-6517
Cell: (334)984-2091

Experts agree that Kitchen Remodeling adds the most value to your home, in most cases giving you 90-95% return of your investment.

We are always available after the project is done to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Because our clients invite us into their homes, for a brief time we become a partner in improving their lives-their happiness is our success.

We can add that extra pop to your new cabinets, with our beautiful cabinet doors. We offer a range of different styles, including glass! But, if you can’t find a suitable design, we can create a custom one that will be unique to you and your home.

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