
Ebenisterie Bobois Enr

Ebenisterie Bobois Enr, Sergio Senerchia – Proprietor
10786 Rue Pascal-Gagnon
Montreal, QC H1P 1Z8
Phone: (514) 326-2647

Custom Cabinets,Kitchens,Displays,Display Cases and Custom retail cabinets

Quality kitchen at affordable price. Please feel free to call us for your free estimate.

Specialists in fine woodworking incl. manufacturing & finishing cabinets,furniture,doors,windows,moldings,paneling,wine cellars,refinishing,re-facing

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2 comments on “Ebenisterie Bobois Enr
  1. mahmoud eltonamly says:

    At the moment I am studying at RTC and looking for a suitable place for a three-week training period as well as a place to work after this period
    Thank you very much

  2. Richardson Laporte says:

    Bonjour mon nom cest richardson laporte je suis etudiant en ebenisterie a lecole CFP Leonard De Vinci. Je suis presentement a la recherche dun stage pour le cadre de mon cours. Jaimerais le faire a votre entreprise si possible merci

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